Teleflora's Poised with Love Bouquet
A touching tribute to love, this beautiful bouquet of cream roses and lavender blooms is a serene setting for a classic crystal cross keepsake.
This beautiful piece includes crème roses, lavender larkspur, lavender montecasino asters, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender sinuata statice, lemon leaf and dusty miller. Delivered with a Small Crystal Cross.
Orientation : One-Sided
All prices in USD ($)
A touching tribute to love, this beautiful bouquet of cream roses and lavender blooms is a serene setting for a classic crystal cross keepsake.
This beautiful piece includes crème roses, lavender larkspur, lavender montecasino asters, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender sinuata statice, lemon leaf and dusty miller. Delivered with a Small Crystal Cross.
Orientation : One-Sided
All prices in USD ($)
A touching tribute to love, this beautiful bouquet of cream roses and lavender blooms is a serene setting for a classic crystal cross keepsake.
This beautiful piece includes crème roses, lavender larkspur, lavender montecasino asters, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, lavender sinuata statice, lemon leaf and dusty miller. Delivered with a Small Crystal Cross.
Orientation : One-Sided
All prices in USD ($)